Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dodged A Bullet!

Wow!  I'm glad I have good instincts.  I've been doing a little research online and just found this forum for the Trump Institute seminars I attended.  The actual reason I didn't sign up for the program, was because at the end of the seminar the two speakers (Rick Brown and Wayne Grey --who, by the way, I can find NOTHING about them online when I Google their names), would not respond to some basic questions I  had about the company.  In fact, it was almost like they intentionally didn't want to talk to me.  Why not? Afraid that my standard questions may dissuade the line of people standing with checkbooks in hand. I was so close to signing up. Whew...


Anonymous said...

Good evening,

I'm surprised that you could not Google "Rick Brown" and/or Trump Institute and get multiple hits.

I attended a "free" seminar last night (December 6, 2008 / Arlington VA), and my wife got quite excited about the whole thing. Rick Brown saw me settle her down for a moment & say to her that we should discuss this first. Then we had another guy pitching a tax lien investment program, and he completely stayed off my side of the room when he saw that I had my Blackberry in hand, and having my wife read web postings right there while he was talking.

Now, I'm not saying that this is a good or a bad program. Anyone can write anything they want on the web with almost no regard for the truth. I will however say that I am finding it tough to find even one good thing about these people, and I would love to speak to anyone who is an active investor that was trained by the Trump Institute. My email address is

PS: Evidently Rick Brown has been all around the country doing this seminar series. I would appreciate anyone who reads this to send a physical description of "Rick Brown" so that I can be sure that everyone is really talking about the same guy.


I spoke to someone who had signed up for this program a few months ago, and he told me that once you sign up, there are more and more things you need to buy that cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

I felt so bad for all the senior citizens in my seminar who were paying for this. The seminar itself seemed inspiring, but the way they were collecting checks and would not actually speak with anyone after (and the big 'rush' to close the room down) gave me a really bad feeling...