Wednesday, July 30, 2008
SALESGIRL at the Laemmle

Film Festivals,
Hollywood Hob-nobbing,
Lovin' Life
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'm OK, Are You OK?
Just had a 5.6 earthquake. Jenn's living room window fell out and smashed into pieces. :( My cell phone is out, the land line is down at Jenn's. I can see that Matt and Kristen have left me voice-mails, but I can't listen to them. rrrr. The internet is up (obviously), and I have ichat on. Matt, try to IM me. Ok? xoxo
Monday, July 28, 2008
Taking My Own Advice
Thanks to my friends at DWF, and thanks to the healing power of art, I'm inspired again. I had been feeling very down for quite a while. (I still can't figure out why I'm attracting unkind people into my life these days. It happened again this week. I'm feeling like I was used, and it's depressing.) I think the lesson here is that it's time to start thinking about my own projects again. Last week at a Goddess meeting, I gave Tam some advice, and I just realized that it applies to me too! I need a creative outlet. I feel all bottled up. I NEED to create something... Not Just POTA (for other people) but some ART. Just thinking about this, I feel so much better. Also: eat better and exersize more!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
11 Feature Films in 5 days

Saturday, July 26, 2008
SAG Says No to Majors' Final Offer
According to today's Variety: The month long contract stalemate between SAG and the majors shows no signs of a breakthrough anytime soon. Instead, both sides have settled in for continued sniping — probably for the rest of the summer... Read full story here.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Baby Baer
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Real 3D Has Arrived

I'll admit that when Matt suggested we see JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH in 3D this weekend, it wasn't at the top of my "must see" list. Well, it should have been! What an amazing experience. This new Real-D technology is simply spectacular. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun at a movie! Forget those old 3D glasses with one red eye and one blue eye. This new technology uses polarization, and it's truly unlike 3D movies of the past. Going to a Real-D movie is more like an experience than art! I can't even begin to describe this, so I will simply say: you must go check this movie out in 3D. FUN! For a nice back story about the evolution of 3D movies and Hollywood, check this story out.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
AMPTP Makes Direct Appeal To SAG Members

Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday and Blue
It's hard not to feel depressed with all that happened at the end of July through the middle of August. I've really tried to put these bad things out of my mind and move past my injuries, but it's not working. I hoped that time would heal my wounds, but sometimes only actions help. I don't understand why people are unkind. I know this sounds naive, but I always believed that human nature was innately good. It's funny: this statement makes is sound like I've had an easy life, but anyone who knows my history knows my life has been far from easy. I've created everything my life is today, myself. I think part of how I overcame my childhood was realizing that when I was an adult I would have the freedom to choose the people in my life. I pictured myself surrounded by loving, good, kind people who had integrity. And I'm so very grateful that those are exactly the people I have the privilege of sharing my life with today. The problem is that there's no way to completely avoid the others. The internet (with its anonymity) brings out the bad side of people. And so today I am still feeling very down. I hope the clouds life soon. I'm tired. My life story will make one hell-of-a book one day.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
In Honor of Christopher Walken
Friday, July 18, 2008
Filmmaking Panel
Last night I had the pleasure of speaking on a filmmaking panel at USC given by Eve Honthaner, who was founder of the Film Industry Network, and is a well known author of some amazing industry books. It was fun recounting stories about the marketing and film festival strategy for PURGATORY HOUSE. I got to hear stories from fellow panelists including my producer friend Milan, (who's lastest film ROCK SLYDE just finished shooting last month), and award-winning director Stuart Altman. Also on the panel was L. Todd Taylor from Indie-Pictures.com, a different kind of distributor who has a new business model. (He says he prides himself on being an honest distributor). Thanks for a great night everyone!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
No Deal from SAG

So what happens now? With the Writer's strike earlier this year California has already lost billions of dollars in revenue. Even though the SAG strike has not yet happened, its already affecting our industry, an my own life personally. As the studios halt production, big DP's (like Matthew Libatique who shot IRON MAN and John Bailey who shot a ton of main stream films including THE BIG CHILL and AS GOOD AS IT GETS) and other studio crew people are reportedly taking smaller budgeted Independent films away from the littler fish. Littler fish meaning... us. What a year it's been for our industry. And it's only July. I'm worried.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Join us on Facebook
Patron of the Arts has it's own group on facebook now! Come join us at: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=25406489668
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $20,000.
I'm sorry to announce that we were not awarded the grant. Thanks so much to everyone for your love and support and your vote! Many of you are encouraging us to try one more time, since we came in second place. Please understand that I just can't bring myself to commit to this right now and potentially go through what happened again. Besides everything else, it's very time consuming. Reaching out to people, I put in more hours than working 2 full time jobs for all of June! That being said: I've had 2 weeks to process this now. I realize that we really do need funding to start this nonprofit, before it can benefit anyone. So I'm trying to stay open. How about this: Let's wait. Let's see how July goes. If the SA people do not participate in the July competition, we may try again. But no promises. Okay?
From the bottom of my heart: thank you to every single person who championed this project. I am so grateful for you all. Cindy
Monday, July 14, 2008
First Milestone
Jenn and I finished our Articles of Incorporation on Friday and just mailed them to the Secretary of State! POTA is on its way to becoming a non-profit!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
DWF Festival is July 24-31

And don't forget: tomorrow night (Monday July 14 at 11:59pm) is the deadline for the DWF 2-minute 2-step short film challenge! The jury-selected winning short receives AMAZING prizes including: a Canon HV30 camcorder, Baseline Film Tracker software, a Showbiz Labor Guide, Showbiz Film and TV contract software, and a ticket to "The Secrets to Distribution Seminar by Jerome Courshon"!
Dances With Films has an amazing energy, great networking opportunities, and really good people. Good luck! --See you there!
Friday, July 11, 2008
SAG Ponders Deal

Screen Actors Guild (SAG) leadership continued to mull over a contract proffered by The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) the evening of July 10.
The AMPTP’s final offer to SAG includes more than $250 million in additional compensation over the course of the three-year contract, as well as new-media terms. The current contract, which expired June 30, is still being recognized on an interim basis. Producers said they would make wage and salary increases outlined in their offer retroactive to July 1 if it is ratified by Aug. 15. Still, producers did not revise the DVD residual rate — a source of considerable consternation to SAG president Alan Rosenberg. The current DVD residual rate pays 3% for TV and 3.6% (movies) of the distributor’s gross receipts. “We remain hopeful that SAG will accept our final offer,” the producers said in a statement.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Picture This: EIC Publciations

I had the honor of speaking on a "Picture This" panel in Washington DC regarding the making of PURGATORY HOUSE, which is featured in the EIC publication: Depression and Suicide. The EIC also hosts the annual Prism Awards.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
AFTRA Approves New Contract
According to ReelGrok.com: The American Federation of Television & Radio Artists (AFTRA) ratified their primetime agreement, quashing SAG's efforts to have the contract voted down.
The AFTRA deal was passed by 62% of voting members and echo those signed by WGA and DGA. SAG had wanted this deal killed to gain leverage with producers. SAG feels actors should get better terms in new media, DVD residuals and salary minimums. AFTRA claims their contract keeps people employed and increases salaries without concessions. In brief, primetime TV minimums increase by 3.5% 7/1/08 with an additional 3% on 7/1/09 and 3.5% on 7/1/10.
SAG agreed to meet with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) 7/10/08 to discuss the last and apparently final offer presented more than a week ago.
The AFTRA deal was passed by 62% of voting members and echo those signed by WGA and DGA. SAG had wanted this deal killed to gain leverage with producers. SAG feels actors should get better terms in new media, DVD residuals and salary minimums. AFTRA claims their contract keeps people employed and increases salaries without concessions. In brief, primetime TV minimums increase by 3.5% 7/1/08 with an additional 3% on 7/1/09 and 3.5% on 7/1/10.
SAG agreed to meet with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) 7/10/08 to discuss the last and apparently final offer presented more than a week ago.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Paralyzed by Opportunity
OK, I am completely overwhelmed by the internet. There are so many resources available and websites, and databases and forums and tools. I don't know where to even begin. I suppose these are good problems, but I am literally feeling paralyzed, and very unorganized right now. Help?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Try Blue. It's the New Red.

Saturday, July 5, 2008
On 4th of July weekend, NASA forecasts lights in the sky

The show gets going on Friday, July 4th. Red Mars and ringed Saturn converge just to the left of the bright star Regulus. The three lights make a pretty 1st-magnitude line in the heavens. But that is just the beginning. On Saturday, July 5th, with weekend fireworks at fever pitch, a lovely crescent Moon joins the show. Saturn, Mars, and the Moon trace an even brighter line than the night before.
Scan a small telescope along the line. You'll see Saturn's rings, the little red disk of Mars, a grand sweep of lunar mountains and craters, and just maybe—flash!—a manmade incendiary. How often do you see fireworks through a telescope?
During the short night of July 5th, the Moon glides past Mars and Saturn so that nightfall on Sunday, July 6th, brings a different arrangement—a scalene triangle. The triad is easy to find in the hours after sunset. Look west and let the Moon be your guide.
In the nights that follow, the Moon exits stage left, leaving the others behind. Don't stop watching, though. Saturn and Mars are converging for their closest encounter of the next 14 years. After nightfall on Thursday, July 10th, the two planets will be just ¾ of a degree apart, snug enough to fit behind the tip of your pinky finger held at arm's length: sky map.
Symbolic Dream
5:35am, Saturday Morning.
I just woke up from a nightmare. I dreamed I drove my car to a parking lot, parked and left. When I returned to my car it was beginning to rain pretty hard. There was a parking attendant there, who was ready to go home for the night. He told me to go to my car and wait out the storm which would end soon. I made it to my car, but the rain got much worse. I became stuck inside as the pouring rain continued all night, and rose around me, until my car was floating in a lake of water. Eventually I knew nobody was coming to help me. I climbed out the window and jumped onto the roof tops of other floating cars which made a trail to dry land. When I got to land, there was a police station right there! I sloshed inside and told them what had happened, asking how I might get my car back so I could drive home. They asked me why I had not sought help before I became trapped. I explained that the parking guy said to wait out the rain, and I'd be fine. The policeman said it was the responsibility of the parking lot owners to protect me, since they had advance warning that a terrible storm, the likes of which they had never seen before, was on it's way. I wondered how I would ever get home.
This was one of those dreams that felt very real. The kind that is a relief to wake up from. I'm going to try and go back to sleep now.
I just woke up from a nightmare. I dreamed I drove my car to a parking lot, parked and left. When I returned to my car it was beginning to rain pretty hard. There was a parking attendant there, who was ready to go home for the night. He told me to go to my car and wait out the storm which would end soon. I made it to my car, but the rain got much worse. I became stuck inside as the pouring rain continued all night, and rose around me, until my car was floating in a lake of water. Eventually I knew nobody was coming to help me. I climbed out the window and jumped onto the roof tops of other floating cars which made a trail to dry land. When I got to land, there was a police station right there! I sloshed inside and told them what had happened, asking how I might get my car back so I could drive home. They asked me why I had not sought help before I became trapped. I explained that the parking guy said to wait out the rain, and I'd be fine. The policeman said it was the responsibility of the parking lot owners to protect me, since they had advance warning that a terrible storm, the likes of which they had never seen before, was on it's way. I wondered how I would ever get home.
This was one of those dreams that felt very real. The kind that is a relief to wake up from. I'm going to try and go back to sleep now.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Birthday
The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. I am so grateful to be alive in this day and age, and living as a woman in the United States. Sometimes I sit and think about how completely different my life would be had I simply been born in another country, or even at a different place in time. We are so very fortunate compared to many nations, and as a person who lives her life trying to make a positive difference in the world, I never take my freedoms for granted.
So today, I'll put on my annual outfit (red, white and blue pants), go have an American BBQ with a group of good friends, wish my dear friend Larisa a happy 40th birthday (thanks Larisa for always supporting my dreams), remember my beautiful Grandmother Lillian (who was also born on this day, and to me defined the term "unconditional love") and enjoy a fourth without fireworks, in honor of all those who are suffering through the currently burning California blazes. Happy Birthday USA!
A Fourth Without Fireworks

Gov. Schwarzenegger has requested Californians to refrain from using fireworks this year. According to the LA Times, "Instead of temporarily forbidding sparklers and their pyrotechnic kin, he should be pushing for a permanent, statewide ban on so-called safe and sane fireworks... Especially bad fire seasons are becoming less special in California. As global warming raises temperatures and lowers precipitation through much of the state, longer and drier fire seasons are predicted for coming decades." Please take extra care when celebrating this year.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Matt Danced
14 months in the making, 42 countries, and a cast of thousands. Thanks to Goddess Tamara for sending me this. It made me smile! (from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.)
Back To Calm (Office Space Anyone?)

One thing this whole experience has made me realize is that the time has come for an office space. Ideally, we'd like something in Burbank or Studio City with two large rooms; one for the office area, where we can have a several workstations set up, and the other room as a meeting/rehearsal type room. Maybe there is another company who has some extra space they can donate or rent out for very cheap? If anyone has ideas, let me know.
Abigail from Elmidae
Abigail is a very talented artist/designer who was in the finals with POTA. Check out this amazing ad she made for the competition! Her dresses rock too. If you need something for a premiere or a festival gala, go to: www.elmidae.com.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
SAG Strike Update

Dear SAG Member:
Your national negotiating committee and the industry bargained throughout the weekend and are continuing bargaining yesterday. Nonetheless, the Screen Actors Guild Codified Basic and Television Agreements which cover television programs and motion pictures expired Monday June 30th, at midnight. All members should continue to report to work and to audition for new work past the expiration date until further notice from the Guild. Such work will be covered under the terms of the expired television and theatrical agreements.
Members are also reminded that the Commercials Contract, Basic Cable Live Action Agreement, Basic Cable Animation Agreement, Television Animation Agreement, Interactive Media Agreement, Internet Agreement, and Industrial & Educational Contract are unaffected by the status of these negotiations, and members should continue to audition and work under them as usual. If you have questions, please email contract2008@sag.org.
Your national negotiating committee and the industry bargained throughout the weekend and are continuing bargaining yesterday. Nonetheless, the Screen Actors Guild Codified Basic and Television Agreements which cover television programs and motion pictures expired Monday June 30th, at midnight. All members should continue to report to work and to audition for new work past the expiration date until further notice from the Guild. Such work will be covered under the terms of the expired television and theatrical agreements.
Members are also reminded that the Commercials Contract, Basic Cable Live Action Agreement, Basic Cable Animation Agreement, Television Animation Agreement, Interactive Media Agreement, Internet Agreement, and Industrial & Educational Contract are unaffected by the status of these negotiations, and members should continue to audition and work under them as usual. If you have questions, please email contract2008@sag.org.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The Waiting Game.
Hi everyone,
Well, it's been an extremely long 9 days. Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote and have your voice be heard in the grant competition, and for sharing this crazy journey with Jenn and me. We had a ton of votes come in yesterday, and I only hope it's enough to win, considering the loss of our Craig's Lists votes. To everyone who has phoned or sent emails, I'll let you know when I hear anything. (Also, I believe the contest sends out an email announcing the winners to everyone who voted.)
With love and gratitude,
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