Sunday, December 5, 2010

Morbid Curiosty and Stalked at Bleedfest

We had a blast at the AWESOME Bleedfest Film Festival, which was founded by the super-talented Elisabeth Fies & Brenda Fies. They invited MORBID CURIOSITY to screen and we were just thrilled to win the audience award! We also previewed a sneak peak of a work-in-progress of STALKED (the short we made in NYC) and the audience LOVED it! It could not have gone better. They laughed at all the right places. Great festival. They are trying to raise money to keep it going. If you can help, please donate here.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Space Needle

Greetings from Seattle!
I can see the Space Needle from my hotel. I'm on a whirlwind trip for work and will be back home in blink of an eye. (Gone less than 3 days total!) Everyone here is so friendly and nice. I was surprised to see they had posted my photo & bio at the store here. Tonight I'm going to eat in restaurant way atop... Fun!